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BLEAT | DOE - Digital Organization Environment

Digital and mental

Hi! Lena here.

It's been much, much longer than I would have preferred. March was a pretty rough, unremarkable month, and the same goes for April so far. I have had this project in mind, and procastinating this for longer and longer doesn't particularly feel great, but alas.

It's been a time of numbness in more ways than one. Today is the two weeks anniversary of my left hand's carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms, and I have been Extremely Normal about it (: I feel like my ability to participate in many of my hobbies is severely impaired, hell, even typing this feels super weird as every keystroke I do with that finger feels ever so slightly wrong... It sucks! I was just getting back into music, and now I can't grab an instrument for longer than a couple minutes without it fucking up my hand for hours.

I can't really promise that I'll be much more active in the coming weeks, as much as I would like to, but I'm posting this both as proof of life (?) and as an attempt to get the ball rolling again. Sorry about the short entry!


I made a Faction Randomizer for the boardgame Root. It was a fun project, and it helped me learn a lot about Javascript and image compression. Root's artstyle is fucking gorgeous and I can't wait to learn more about this game.

I'm in the process of writing a gifts wishlist. "Obligation gifts" suck, I don't like surprises, and I think having a publicly available wishlist could potentially help stop people from creating more and more waste by buying me gifts that will not have a positive impact in my life anyways, so I've been slowly picking at it and adding many different options. I will host it here on my website, so I guess it's worth mentioning in this section?

Media Log Additions

  • ALBUM: Jeremy Blake - Determinism
  • ALBUM: Keygen Church - Nel Nome Del Codice
  • ALBUM: Tristan Perich - 1-Bit Symphony
  • ALBUM: Autechre - EP7
  • ALBUM: Weezer - Teal Album
  • ALBUM: Loser Company - Blueberry Skies
  • MOVIE: Black Magic M-66
  • GAME: Balatro


  • [ARTICLE: Behind F1's Velvet Curtain] "If you wanted to turn someone into a socialist you could do it in about an hour by taking them for a spin around the paddock of a Formula 1 race. The kind of money I saw will haunt me forever." A look at the ridiculous displays of wealth surrounding Formula 1.
  • [VIDEO: The USA's 150,000,000 acre checkerboard] Super interesting documentary about the history of checkerboard-patterned land ownership in the US.