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Patricia Taxxon - Bicycle

Furry, Boys, Big Wheel, I Do

In her "ethics of boinking animal people", Patricia says Bicycle was meant to create the same "furry species euphoria through textural sound design" that Alexander Panos's accidentally did in his album "Nascent". Needless to say, she succeeded! I am not therian myself, but I went into the album with that in mind and did get some degree of that almost-tactile feeling of being a lil deer.

Good shit! Super strong start to the year. This album feels amazing to listen to and will definitely be one of my most listened this year.

TAS 1000 - A Message For Martha

I've Been Delayed, Protein Shoes, I Am Truly Fully Licensed Hairstylist

Found this album through a youtube recommendation about Club Penguin's music. I was particularly drawn to the "found footage" concept; I think it's fascinating how *palpable* the caller's excitement was in "I Am Truly Fully Licensed Hairstylist" in particular. I thought it was interesting how the album immortalized her excitement at that particular moment of her life, idk. I felt happy for her all the way from over 20 years into the future, and I think that's cool.

Car Seat Headrest - Faces From The Masquerade

Bodys, Something Soon

My Car Seat Headrest hyperfixation phase is long gone, but they remain a very important band for me. I listened to Twin Fantasy on loop around the time I started HRT in 2020, when I was finally starting to have some hope for the future for the first time in many, many years.

I usually don't listen to live albums, but CSH gets special treatment. It... It was a live album, I guess? I had fun listening to it, but I don't think I have much to say about it apart from that.

CJ The X - Overgrowth


I admittedly know very little about rap/hip-hop, but this album's emotional content hit for me, and I've been told that's what these genres are supposed to be about?

I don't have many distilled thoughts about this album, just that I've listened to each of its tracks multiple times just the day after first listening to them, so at least that shows how much I enjoyed it.

Pent Up Pup - Pent Up Pup


I have no fucking idea how this album got to my music backlog, but I'm glad it did lmao. The basslines are funky as shit and the lyrics are catchy, so I'll probably end up coming back to it when I randomly get them stuck in my head months from now.

Cixin Liu - Of Ants And Dinosaurs

When I got handed this book I was told it was "a political allegory about workers overthrowing their opressors", so I got excited and essentially expected it to be a more modern Animal Farm. Sadly, the book did not deliver.

It suffers from an issue worryingly common in xenofiction stories with thinly-veiled allegories for a worker class: that one fucking trope where, while the workers can organize together and overthrow their oppressors, they eventually self-destruct because they are incompetent or biologically incapable of creative/independent thought. These stories, then, often go one of three ways: they give an anti-revolutionary message by framing overthrowing the ruling class as a fatal mistake with ramifications too complex for the oppressed's inferior minds to understand; they serve as colonialist propaganda by having the protagonist (often an outsider) step up as a natural leader with their superior creativity and/or intellect; or they frame ecocidal oppressors as the "lesser evil" at best or misunderstood good guys at worst by eventually returning to a marginally less oppressive status quo, usually with taken-down-a-peg oppressors still holding most (if not all) of the power.

Needless to say, I fucking hate this trope, and was left extremely disappointed with the book. My instinct is to assume Liu's cultural context of growing up in Great Cultural Revolution-era China musthave painted his decision to include this trope in the book, he openly supported the country's government's antidemocratic mass control/surveillance policies and the Uyghur genocide during a The New Yorker interview in 2019, after all... But I admittedly don't know enough Chinese history to be fully sure this assumption doesn't come from internalized sinophobia, so don't quote me on this hot take I guess; I'm fully ready to drop it if I'm wrong.

Anyways. What I'm trying to say here is that Pixar's A Bug's Life did the ants-as-workers concept better.

Hundred Rabbits - Busy Doing Nothing

I found Hundred Rabbits' website a couple days ago. I spent a good chunk of today going through the huge amount of tabs from their website I had accumulated, leaving the open-source version of this book for last.

I find Rekka and Devine's situation extremely interesting. Their interests and thoughts mirror my own in many ways, so since I found out about them I've spent an embarassing amount of time thinking about what it would be like to live on a sailboat myself; to figure things out to a point where I could leave my deeply unsatisfying job behind and spend my energy and resources doing something more satisfying and closer to what I would like than, well, whatever the fuck it is I'm doing now.

I'm a bit sleepy right now, so I can't express my thoughts too coherently. The point is that I found the book extremely interesting and I'll probably be rotating it in my head for the next couple days.

Andreas Malm - How To Blow Up A Pipeline

It's more about the why, really.

I enjoyed this book a lot. I was a bit tired of reading more fatalist texts, and it was nice to finally find a full book advocating against non-violence in the climate space specifically.

The third chapter felt particularly important to me. Like, fuck Desert and all that primitivist "let's just give up" bullshit. We should at least try.

Alice Oseman - Heartstopper: Volume Five

I feel like I can't talk about this book fairly. It's blatantly obvious to me that I am way past its target audience, and I stray further away from it every year; however, this shit would've changed my life if it had come out 12 years ago, and it apparently has been extremely formative to lots of young queer people, so I respect it for that.

This volume starts bridging the gap between Volume 4 and the "Nick and Charlie" novella. It spends a lot of time doing what feels like just setting up that book's themes and conflict, but it writes itself into a corner where it tries to give those themes some degree of closure without making the novella redundant. Ultimately, I don't think Volume 5 achieves that balance, and its overall quality dearly suffers from it.

It was a cozy, quick read that felt like what my experience growing up as the only openly queer kid in my environment could have been like in a better world. I can't deny I enjoyed that, but my issues with the "we have to eventually get to the novella" narrative sadly made that wish fulfillment the only part I actually liked... It was fine, I guess?

Chelsea Manning - README.txt

Oooooh boy this one was a heavy read.

This fills the exact same "book that makes you feel bad but is imossible to put down" niche as "I'm glad my mom died" for me, except I feel more strongly about all the trauma I've faced because of my queerness than my family-related one, so it hit significantly harder. Like, fuck, if I had been in her position I would've done the same and much, much worse.

idk, man. I really fucking feel for her. Chelsea deserved so so so much better and I really hope she's doing alright now.

The Boy and the Heron

I... Didn't really get this movie?

It was absolutely gorgeous visually! Hell, at many points I basically felt like I was right there in the movie's rural setting, but the pacing felt a bit odd? Which is okay! But it took me out of the movie (to its detriment) a couple times. My thoughts will probably change on a rewatch, though.

After looking it up, it seems to be a very personal movie for Miyazaki, and I can kind of see why. I can draw the connections/parallels and I see how this movie had a certain air of "finality" to it: I think there is more of a chance of this one actually being his last movie, in a way? Not just because of his age, it just felt like a clearer and better farewell to his career than The Wind Rises was over 10 years ago... I just couldn't connect with it at all, so it ended up being my least favorite Miyazaki movie for no fault of its own :c

Lemonectric - The Dissolution of Albedo Säure

Maintaining Megachene Microbiome Equilibrium

I don't have much to say about this album apart than I really enjoy the mix of chiptune-y sounds and piano.

WangleLine - Disaster Field

Curse of the Sun, Disaster Field

Desightful textures and mood through the entire album. Sadly, I still don't have much of a vocabulary to share my thoughts on this sort of IDM-y sound design-heavy music, so I can't properly articulate my enjoyment of it beyond that :c

I intended to listen to it as I worked on the website and it ended up holding my attention hostage for the entirety of its runtime. Good shit.

Ana Frango Elétrico - Me Chama De Gato Que Eu Sou Sua


Listened to this while fixing my wife's laptop.

Man, I fucking love Bossa. I should try to listen to more brazilian music, dude.

nobonoko - Gato

Puzzle, Werewolf With Pants

REALLY enjoying nobonoko's music. Finally listened to this after getting "Music For Animal Cafés" recommended to me last year and holy shit I can't wait to listen to more of nobonoko's stuff. Great energy all throughout.

Soda Stereo - Dynamo

Toma La Ruta, Remolinos, Ameba, Texturas

As a Latin American, I have obviously been exposed to Soda a LOT, so they've wormed their way into my list of "bands I always enjoy when they come on" without (but not necessarily against) my will. I like them! They're chill, I have vague nostalgia of hearing them in the radio when I was a child and such... But I admittedly had only paid attention to their most overplayed albums, so I somehow got myself into a situation where I have been on this Earth for 26 whole years and yet I just learned they made a shoegaze-y album. Naturally, I had to go listen to it.

Dynamo was fun! It was initially a bit jarring to hear Cerati's voice along the textures I usually associate with, like, MBV or Cocteau Twins, but it led to a super pleasant listening experience. I'm not sure I'll revisit it too often in the future (not that into shoegaze these days, that's angsty 2020 Lena's genre), but I definitely had fun with it today~

Vylet Pony - CUTIEMARKS (And the Things That Bind Us)

CUTIEMARKS, BONINE, ANTONYMPH, I DON'T NEED TO BE FIXED, 37.6486° N, 122.4296° W (ft. Sylver Stripe)

hOLY SHIT??????

uH, I had my MLP phase through the first 2 years of highschool, so it was obviously an extremely formative period for me. This album really encapsulates the experience of growing up and finding yourself in the 2010s, idk.

It hits GREAT musically too. The production quality took me by surprise a ton of times, and it somehow manages to do a good job at all the genres it goes through (including fucking CUMBIA??????).

Remusuki - SCORCH

They Crunch Skulls of Little Kids, Down Bad

What the fuck do you mean this was made on a phone

I don't really remember how this album got on my backlog and it's been a weird day energy-wise so I don't think I have much to say about this album atm :c It was a fun listen for sure, though!

Knife Girl - CUM

Share Your Love, Knots, Estrogen, GUN = KISS + LOVE, Beautiful

Patricia Taxxon recommended this album on her Tumblr. SO FUCKING GLAD I put it in my backlog bc holy shit. Its name 100% did NOT prepare me for how much it would slap.

Wonderful energy, lyrics, and production. It just kept getting better??? This hits the hyper-specific niche of hyperpop that makes me go fucking wild, and I'm v glad Patty recommended it.

...Fuck, am I in my hyperpop era?

My Bunny Valentine - LVLSS

tenemos que dormir mañana, solo dije sola, pronto

This is, like, the 7th Loveless cover album in my library lmao.

This album comes as some sort of response to a mashup between MBV's "When You Sleep" and Bad Bunny's "Tenemos Que Hablar" YouTube user @JokoPlayBass posted in early 2019. It was WAY better than it had any right to, so people went fucking nuts over it until someone finally did mashups for the entire album.

It's good! Like, its premise is inherently funny, but lots of the mashups are actually pretty enjoyable~ I'll probably end up listening to it every now and then?

Edward Snowden - Permanent Record

I originally got this book the day it released, but a lot of shit got in the way and I never got around to reading it until today. README.TXT left me in the mood for books about whistleblowers, I guess.

I enjoyed it a bunch, and it kinda reminded me to tie up a couple opsec loose ends I had been neglecting for a while (deleting unused accounts and such, for the most part). I have been thinking about how my interest in these topics has probably made me a "person of interest" since I was around 12 y/o (hi to the intelligence agents reading this! go whisteblow, quit your job, or fucking die! also plz tell me if id be denied entry to the us itd be so funny) and, like, how that means I prrrrrrobably should take encryption and security a bit more seriously? I already take a non-negligible amount of measures, but they are DEFINITELY not enough lmfao... Just couldn't be assed to set up full disk encryption when I installed my OS, and I need my main storage drive to be compatible with my Windows partition anyways (not for long!), so ugh.

I think it's fascinating how a lot of the stuff mentioned in this book is slightly outdated as of me writing this, with the electronic privacy/freedom landscape looking progressively more and more grim in ways one couldn't have even predicted in 2013. It remains relevant, of course, it just was very clearly written before the NFT and LLM/"AI" bubbles... It doesn't take away from the book's content, it just felt weirdly similar to reading something written "pre-Snowden", ironically!

I recommend it. 10/10 would get tracked again. Abolish the US.

Masami Akita - One Bird Two Bird

One Bird

Adorable cover art! Can't believe I didn't know this was Merzbow, like, of course it was lmfao.

Listened to this to distract myself from today's incredibly hot temperatures. It worked! Though it was a bit harsher than the noise I usually listen to? My wife said, and I quote, "this sounds exactly like [her] anxiety while [she's] at uni".

It has an interesting "acoustic" sound to it. I wonder how its recording process went, like, there are some parts where it straight-up sounds like a recording of someone dropping a bunch of cymbals in an empty storeroom. It's great lmao.

Too Percent Milk - November Dog

Burning Eyes

Early Car Seat Headrest energy.

It's a bit too lo-fi for my current interests, but I enjoyed listening to it overall. I can't find any information about the artist, so I wonder if it'll be their only album or if they will keep doing music?

F0x3r - Define Love

Deserve Someone

Found this while browsing Bandcamp's "Furry Music" tag. I saw a couple genres I'm interested in, so I gave it a quick listen.

It's pretty chill and comfortable to listen to, but at the end of the day I don't think I enjoy vaporwave too much (if at all), so it didn't really resonate much with me. It's good! Just not my vibe.

LINE - Sleepwalkers in a Cold Circus

A Pillar of Salt

Listened to this while high and the neighbors started moving around some furniture; it was a weirdly terrifying listening experience.

Delightful textures!

SPRINTS - Letter To Self

Ticking, Heavy, Adore Adore Adore

Outing myself as a Bandcamp Daily reader.

I was a bit distracted due to a national news event that broke midway through the album, but I had fun listening to it! Great energy all throughout~



First time listening to Gojii! They had been on my radar for a while, I just hadn't gotten around to it.

Every single time I listen to a breakbeat album I remember I really like the genre and decide to listen to it more often. I hope it doesn't happen yet again with this one? I really liked it.

Jeremy Blake - Determinism


A random lucky find that turned into probably my most listened album of March.

Great vibes all around, and a fun listen through the entirety of its runtime! A fun pass through many forms of electronic music that I'll prob keep listening to a lot in the foreseeable future

The album art is very pretty also???

Keygen Church - Nel Nome Del Codice

La Chiave Del Mio Amor, Lode Al Disco Sacro, Il Paradiso Dell'Anima

Maybe I was confusing Keygen Church with MASTER BOOT RECORD, but I came into this album expecting it to be way more "chiptune-y" for some reason. I was surprised, but it was thankfully a very pleasant surprise!

God fuck I love Keygen Church, like, conceptually and aesthetically. This was a very fun listen, and if this album does have an ARG I miiiiiiight actually end up looking into it?

Tristan Perich - 1-Bit Symphony

Movement 3, Movement 5

Found this album while reading about interesting/nontraditional physical releases. I'm absolutely IN LOVE with the concept, and it was generally a very fun listen.

Sadly, a physical copy would be prohibitively expensive for me, but I would really love to learn more about how it works and how it was made. Absolutely fascinating concept.


Honestly, it's probably hard to say something about Balatro that hasn't been said in the past couple weeks since its launch. It's an extremely fun and rewarding to learn deckbuilder game with simple mechanics, and everything about its progression feels perfectly tuned to make it enjoyable for my lil' deer brain.

I haven't beaten it yet, but I've been doing super well in my last couple runs so I probably should get to that point in the next couple days. I'm not sure for how long I'll keep playing after finishing at least one successful run, but so far it's been a great game I can recommend to pretty much anyone.

As a funny little side-note, I got Inscryption'd by it at the start. Like, I was fully expecting my first run to end with some sort of fucked up tone/genre shift into analog horror, but... Nope! Just a delightful little game. Hope someone makes a Vita or HTML5 port soon, bc I'd love to be able to play this while on the subway and stuff.

Loser Company - Blueberry Skies

9th Life

Overall a nice, chill listen. Not exactly what I have been into lately, but I know 2008 me would've gone fucking wild for these grunge-y vibes

Autechre - EP7

Rpeg, Ccec, Liccflii, Zeiss Contarex

I've been trying to "get into" Autechre. I know they fall squarely within a bunch of genre intersections I really enjoy, and they influenced some of my favorite musicians, so I decided to gradually listen to their entire discography. However, it took a while for their stuff to hit strongly enough that I actually sat through an entire album without getting distracted or switching it off for one or another reason.

EP7 is the first of their albums I can happily, earnestly say I enjoyed. I don't know if I just happened to be in the right mood for it or if Autechre's style changed in any way when this album released, but it hit and it hit HARD. Good shit. I'm much more excited to listen to the rest of their discography now~

Black Magic M-66

Decided to watch this on a whim after seeing a gifset on Tumblr.

It clearly shows its age, but I personally enjoy old anime significantly more than new ones, so it wasn't too much of an issue. The plot isn't too big of a deal, at times it feels more like an excuse to move the animation project forwards, but honestly that's fine for how short it is.

What took me by surprise was how good this was at maintaining a high level of tension for most of its duration. It excels where many, many others have failed, and it comes out the other side as a very fun worthwhile watch. I do recommend it!

Weezer - Teal Album

Africa, Mr. Blue Sky, No Scrubs

I recently got informed Weezer has a covers album. It was fun.
